‘Me & Pops’ Event Extols Role of a Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, or Male Mentor in a Young Man’s Well-Being
The PATIENTS Program of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy (SOP) holds “Me & Pops,” to support the male children of Baltimore and the influential men in their lives. They are being encouraged to strive for excellence by defining health, wellness, and success from a holistic approach starting at home.
WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016, 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
WHERE: University Of Maryland, Baltimore URecFit Center, 621 W. Lombard St., 4th floor, Baltimore, Md., 20201
WHO: C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, program director, PATIENTS; Rod Stokes, chief executive officer, The Regeneration Project; Crystal Berger, author, motivational speaker, host/producer/writer for FOX News Channel and FOX News Radio, New York, NY; Franklin Lance, D. Min., senior pastor, Mount Lebanon Baptist Church, Baltimore, Md.; Byron Desbordes, DDS, clinical instructor, UM School of Dentisty; Geden Franck, MD, medical resident, general and sports medicine, UM School of Medicine; Rodney Elliott, Sr., former international professional basketball player.
Offerings and activities include free breakfast and lunch; ‘Planning Your Vision’ workshop; and basketball drills led by Elliott. Topics of the day will be “Keys for Success,” “Setting Goals,” “Listening and Communication Skills,” “Conflict Resolution,” “Spiritual Foundations,” “Servant Learning,” and “Integrity in Everyday Life. “ Participants will be fathers and their sons who are ages 11-18, or male attendees in that age range who are accompanied by a grandfather, uncle, or male caregiver who is 25 years or older. They’ll attend an interactive, fun-filled day providing information and practical advice for achieving a life of excellence. Advance registration required by visiting www.patients.umaryland.edu/meandpops or texting “Me&Pops” to 678-508-8052 or emailing patients@rx.umaryland.edu
PATIENTS, or Patient-Centered Involvement in Evaluating the Effectiveness of Treatments, is a program of UM SOP. Patients and stakeholders are heard, inspired, and empowered to co-develop patient-centered outcomes research.