A national panel exploring gaps in American's access to oral health care will draw upon the health policy expertise of a faculty member of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry (UMSOD).
Richard J. Manski, DDS. MBA, PhD, professor and chair, Department of Dental Public Health at UMSOD, will be among four panelists engaging in what is expected to be a lively discussion on the future of oral health care.

University of Maryland School of Dentistry Professor and Chair of Dental Public Health Richard J. Manski, DDS. MBA, PhD.
Presented by DentaQuest in partnership with POLITICO, the event will be streamed live from Washington, D.C., on Sept. 24, 2019, from 8:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. EDT.
The program, “America’s Oral Health: An Emerging Crisis,” is part of the POLITICO Live series of events. It will be held at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. To attend, please RSVP.
“An estimated 74 million Americans have no access to oral health care – this is nearly double the number of people without health insurance – despite evidence showing that poor oral health is linked to cardiovascular diseases and can lead to other significant health complications,” POLITICO states. “In Washington, there has been little political will to change this status quo as much of the policy discussions around health insurance coverage leave out oral health. What will it take to recognize oral health as an integral part of overall health care before it’s too late?”
POLITICO promises “a deep-dive conversation” on solutions around access, coverage and costs of oral health care in the United States. The panel will consist of these health policy leaders:
- Rep. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.), House Committee on Energy and Commerce
- Julie Watts McKee, DMD, State Dental Director, Kentucky Department of Public Health
- Richard J. Manski, DDS, Chair of Dental Public Health, UMSOD
- RADM Erica Schwartz, Deputy Surgeon General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
To engage in the conversation on social media, use hastag #POLITICOOralHealth.