Billable/Non-Billable Services Listing

There are often questions about what services Operations and Maintenance is responsible for versus the customer. Below is information regarding the financial responsibility for the services provided effective July 1, 2021. To view the billable list of services provided by Environmental Services (EVS), click here


Project Management 


Lock Shop 






HVAC Services 




Fire and Life Safety 


*Operations and Maintenance supports Design and Construction projects. Supporting these outages and projects are a billable request, which is billed directly to the project.
**Normal wear and tear is the unavoidable deterioration of a surface resulting from normal use by the tenant. Wear and tear includes any deterioration that occurs under normal conditions and under normal use. Anything that can be reasonably fixed after a good cleaning or a simple repair is something considered to be wear and tear.

***Reference the Signage Categories and Details Document PDF to fill out the UMB Signage Order Form PDF. The form should be attached to the Carpentry Install & Uninstall request in Ready. The form will be sent to InterSign National to provide a quote. The quote will be sent to the requestor for approval. After approval, the Multi-Trades shop will install the signs when they arrive on site.

For guidance on printing your own inserts please refer to the documents below.

Any billable work that requires overtime will be billed as such (e.g. urgent requests, work that must be performed off hours).
Any items not listed are on a case by case basis and will be determined by the responsible maintenance shop.
Certain services are managed at the campus level such as exterior window washing. Contact the Service Center at for questions.
Contractor Key Box Agreement Form PDF for Operations and Maintenance Keybox Access Request.
Telephone and data jacks are not installed by O&M. Contact CITS Datacom by filling out the Network form or by email