Employee Spotlight

February 2024: Michael Gaunt

Contracts Manager

Years of service: 9

Work with Shops and Senior Staff to
requisition contracted goods and services. Assist with Encumbrance analysis. Process invoices for O&M Operations.

Most rewarding experience at UMB: Getting the advice and insights from O&M’s world-class technical experts when I was building my house.

Hobbies: Guitarist and sometime vocalist for local acoustic trio – ask me
about my upcoming gigs!

Favorite sports team: Baltimore Ravens

Random fact: Army brat, 3rd and 4th grade lived in Taiwan, ROC.

If I won the lottery, I would: Besides travel, I’d do something to make the world a better place.

If I had a super power, it would be: Intuitive Aptitude: instant mastery of instruments and technology.

My favorite movie: Almost Famous

My favorite vacation: Albuquerque, NM

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