Employee Spotlight

June 2024: Tom Garvey

Multi-Trades Chief 2 and Chief Morale Officer

Years of service: 10+

My duties include fixing things that break, making things that don’t break better and bringing the UMB family together.

Most rewarding experience at UMB: Using tuition remission for both my Wife and Kids.

Hobbies: Coaching my son’s Soccer team, Cooking, started playing pool, Foster parent.

Favorite sports team: Orioles and Ravens

Random fact: If you’re having a mental health emergency's or substance abuse/addiction struggles, CALL 988 for free 24/7. If you need someone to talk to, I am here for you.

If I won the lottery, I would: Do more to help those that can’t help themselves. 

If I had a super power, it would be: Precognition, because I’m extremely impatient. 

My favorite movie: Anchorman, “60% of the time, it works every time!”

My favorite vacation: Road trips!

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