Arena, Theater and Stadium Parking

Special Events Rates

            Event                  Rates
CFG Bank Arena $15 *If event falls on a weekday (before 5 pm) visitor rates may apply or no parking permitted
Hippodrome $15 *If event falls on a weekday (before 5 pm) visitor rates may apply or no parking permitted
Baltimore Orioles $15 *If game falls (before 5pm) weekdays, there is no parking permitted
Baltimore Ravens $15 *If game falls on a weekday (before 5 pm) visitor rates may apply or no parking permitted
Everyman Theater $15 *If event falls within multiple events
Other $15 *If event falls on a weekday (before 5pm) there is no parking permitted

CFG Bank Arena

Parking for the CFG Bank Arena is is available in the Baltimore Grand Garage at 5 N. Paca St.

Hippodrome Theatre

Parking for the Hippodrome Theater is available in the Baltimore Grand Garage at 5 N. Paca St.

To gain access to the Hippodrome lobby, parkers are urged to park on the Fayette Street side of the garage and use the Fayette Street side elevators. The Paca Street side elevators do not have access to the Hippodrome lobby and require exiting the garage and walking around the corner to gain access to the Hippodrome entrance at 12 N. Eutaw St.

Baltimore Orioles

Parking at Penn Street Garage is available based on the Orioles’ schedule and accepts credit card only. If the location is not available, please park in the Pratt Street Garage.

Parking is available in the Baltimore Grand Garage at 5 N. Paca St. The Baltimore Grand Garage is open 24/7. Daytime game parking is prohibited.

Baltimore Ravens

Parking is available in the Baltimore Grand Garage at 5 N. Paca St. and in the Penn Street Garage at 120 S. Penn St. The Baltimore Grand Garage is open 24/7. 

Everyman Theater

Parking is available in the Baltimore Grand Garage at 5 N. Paca St. The Baltimore Grand Garage is open 24/7.

Garage Policies

Special event rates posted at entrance. Parkers are subject to the special event rate when signs are posted outside of facility. All Pre-Sale events are credit, debit card or electronic payment only!

During pre-sale events, to expedite the flow of traffic after the show, parkers must pay with credit, debit card or electronic payment as they enter the garage and will be given a ticket in exchange for payment to allow rapid exit from the garage. The ticket will be given to parking staff stationed near the exit. 

For parkers visiting FPI or UMMC, please park in the Plaza garage.

No tailgating is allowed in campus garages.