Student Parking

On this page, you will find costs and ADA Parking Accommodations . Student parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Student permits should be used while students attend classes, not for overnight parking.

Commuter Parking

This is for students driving to campus. Commuting students may only possess one parking permit at a time. Commuters will have access to all UMB garages after 4 p.m. on weekdays and all day on Saturday and Sunday. 

Commuting Student Parking

Resident Parking

Students who live on campus are eligible for resident parking. 

Resident Student Parking

Visiting Students

Students coming from another college or university who need parking must complete an application. Visiting students may need to have prior approval before receiving parking at UMB. Visiting students must indicate length of rotation here at UMB. Applications are accepted 5 days prior to visiting UMB.

Visiting Student Application

Learn about how you can save money by carpooling.  

Learn more about Low Emission or Electric Vehicles

Learn about the student discounts for Public Transportation

Residents at 500 W. interested in permit parking should contact 410-706-5523


Student parking fees and available locations are subject to change. The fees listed below are for the academic year.

During student parking registration (below), Lexington garage rates are adjusted for all student parkers (no permit needed). Daily cost is $7. After registration, all parkers will pay the posted visitor rate.

  • Fall Semester - Aug. 1 to Aug. 31
  • Spring Semester - Jan. 1 to Jan. 31


Student Rate Type Costs
Student (Daily) Commuting $7 per day + $5 initial permit with annual renewal
Student (Monthly) Commuting      $90 per month
Student (Night Only Monthly) Commuting      $55 per month
Student (Market Center) Commuting $40 per month +  $25 initial permit access fee


ADA Parking Accommodations

Students requiring specific ADA parking accommodations must be approved through the office of Education Support and Disability Services. ESDS will collect the necessary information to determine if an accommodation is needed. Parking and Transportation Services must receive notice from ESDS for any ADA parking accommodation. Once approved, parker may complete an application.

Please note that the Market Center parking program is not part of the ADA parking accommodation program.

A request can be emailed to, or call 410-706-5889 to speak with someone directly. ESDS is located at the SMC Campus Center, 621 W. Lombard St., Suite 302, Baltimore MD 21201.

For any other specific accommodation, please contact:

Student Affairs - Dean's Office
University of Maryland, Baltimore
SMC Campus Center
621 W. Lombard St., 3rd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201