Visitor Parking

UMB offers visitors to our campus a variety of parking options.

For receipts for credit card transactions, click here.

UMMC Visitors

Faculty Physicians, Inc., and University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) patients and visitors may park in the Plaza Garage, located at 500 W. Redwood St.

This garage is RESTRICTED to UMMC patients and visitors.

Visitors must validate parking tickets or request parking vouchers from their doctor's office or the information desk, located in the UMMC lobby. To receive the discounted rate,  present the ticket with the validation attached to the garage ambassador upon exit.

Patient Care Parking Applications are available for UMMC patients only. Restrictions apply.

Parking Rates

Hourly Rates

Hours Cost
1 or less


2 or less


3 or less




5-7 $15

7-24 (maximum daily rate)


Patient Rates

Hours Cost
1 or less


2 or less


Over 2


Maximum (up to 24 hours)


Visitors to UMMC, FPI and Dental School can receive an electronic validation for the rates above. Electronic validation cannot be combined with any other validation.

After Hours

After 5 p.m. & on Saturdays/ Sundays

Hours Cost
1 or less


2 or less


Over 2 (until 4 a.m.*)


*Visitor rates apply if exit time is later than 4 a.m.

If you have a department validation: Present your ticket to the department your visiting. To receive the discounted rate, present the ticket with validation attached to the garage ambassador upon exit.

Special and Pre-pay Event Rates

Event Cost
Hippodrome Theater Pre-pay*


Orioles Pre-pay*


CFG Bank Arena Pre-pay*


Ravens Pre-pay*


                        Everyman Theater Pre-pay*


*Special event rates posted at entrance. Parkers are subject to the special event rate when signs are posted outside of facility. All Pre-pay events are credit card only!

*Rates effective as of Aug. 1, 2018 (special event revised September 1, 2024)