Rules and Regulations

The University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB) strives to provide adequate parking for its employees, students, and visitors.

UMB, in its attempt to provide a sufficient number of parking spaces for the campus community, must charge fees for use of its parking spaces to pay for operation and maintenance of campus parking facilities. Because of the size of UMB staff and student bodies, it cannot guarantee parking to all students and staff willing and able to pay for spaces. For those community members who are able to park on campus, UMB provides for (but cannot guarantee the safety and security of) vehicles, property, and persons within UMB parking facilities.

The use of UMB parking facilities is a privilege conferred by UMB in exchange for a parker’s payment of required fees and agreement to comply with UMB rules and regulations concerning parking. UMB may cancel or suspend any parker’s privilege when any of these conditions is not observed.

Under authority given to UMB by state law, a parking citations program has been instituted. Failure to comply with parking rules will result in the issuance of parking citations, which require payment of specified monetary penalties. Failure to make payments as required by the citations or repeated violations of parking rules and regulations will result in suspension or revocation of parking privileges.

View Parking Procedures

These procedures serve as a guide to services and transactions for transportation needs on campus.

Parking Rules

Section I – Motor Vehicle Registration and Payment for Parking

  1. All persons affiliated with UMB as faculty, staff, student, or contractor who wish to park a vehicle on a University parking lot or in a University garage must register that vehicle with the Office of Parking and Transportation Services (the "Parking Office"). An appropriate parking permit will be issued by the Cashier's Office.
  2. A vehicle must be registered in the name of its operator. The registrant’s One Card must be presented to register the vehicle. All state-owned or state-leased vehicles to be parked at UMB also must be registered, display valid parking permits, and pay the parking fee.
  3. No vehicle may be parked on campus unless the parking permit for the vehicle is affixed to the vehicle as specified on the permit or in instructions given to the parker along with the permit. A permit that is displayed improperly is void and will be subject to citation and penalties.
  4. Fees for assigned parking for students in UMB housing will be collected on a semester or annual basis, at the student’s option.
  5. Faculty and staff fees for assigned parking will be paid by bi-weekly payroll deductions. Deduction of staff fees will terminate upon return of permit/access card to the PTS Cashier's Office at the SMC Campus Center, 621 W. Lombard St., Lower Level, Room 002D. 
  6. If a parking permit/access card is not returned to the Cashier's Office, parking fees will continue to be charged until the parking permit has been returned.
  7. Parking fees are nonrefundable except in cases that will be evaluated individually by the Parking Office.
  8. All parking fees are due upon exit of the facility unless part of an assigned parking program. Fees not collected at exit will be billed to parker and additional fees will apply.
  9. UMB reserves the rights to, at any time, reassign parkers to other areas upon reasonable notice and to cancel parking privileges because of the unavailability of spaces. UMB will endeavor to give at least two weeks’ notice of such changes, except in emergency situations.
  10. Changes in parking fees will be recommended to the Board of Regents by the President. When approved by the Board of Regents, changed fees will be put into effect. The Parking Office will endeavor to give advance notification to the parking community before parking fees are increased.

Section II – Garage and Parking Lot Assignments

  1. Students, faculty, and staff who are assigned to parking garages will be issued permits valid for their specific garage. Garage and assigned lot parkers should contact the Parking Office if they are unable to find a parking space in their assigned garage or lot. If a garage parker is unable to find a parking space in the assigned facility, the garage attendant will, if possible, direct the parker to an alternate facility where space is available. When an attendant becomes aware that a garage is full, incoming traffic will, when possible, be diverted to alternate facilities until spaces become available. Parkers diverted to alternate facilities by PTS are not subject to parking violations associated with parking in unassigned garages.
  2. Persons who are registered to park as daily parkers are provided parking spaces on a first-come, first-served basis. Possession of a daily parking permit does not guarantee a parking space. If a parking space is unavailable in your assigned garage, a holder of a daily parking lot permit must seek on-street or commercial parking lot space. Daily parkers cannot use other University parking if they are unable to find space. If you park in any other garage besides your assigned garage before 4 p.m. on weekdays, you will be considered a visitor and will pay visitor rates. 

Section III – Rules and Regulations for Parking

  1. The registrant of a vehicle is responsible to UMB for all parking violations involving the vehicle, regardless of whether or not the vehicle was being operated by another person at the time of the violation or was parked by another person. The driver or the department using a state-owned or state-leased car will be responsible for parking violations involving that car.
  2. Sale or distribution of parking permits to unauthorized parkers will result in permanent revocation of parking privileges for both parties involved. Each offender will be assessed a $50 fine and may be subject to criminal prosecution.
  3. All parking control signs and devices must be obeyed by parkers.
  4. A parking permit may not be displayed on any vehicle other than the one for which it was originally issued. The permit is invalid if altered or defaced so that the color and number on the permit cannot be easily determined. The hanging permit may be used on more than one vehicle, but all vehicles using the permit must be registered with the Parking Office.
  5. Motorcycles and motor scooters must be parked in areas designated for such vehicles and must be properly registered and display an appropriate sticker.
  6. The University garages and lots are not storage facilities for registered vehicles. The registrant of any vehicle parked for more than 10 days in a University garage or lot without being moved will be subject to revocation of the parking permit unless prior arrangements have been made with the Parking Office. The Parking Office will notify the registrant through campus mail (to the registrant’s campus address) and first-class mail (to the registrant’s home address) of the possible parking permit revocation. The parking permit will be revoked if the car is not moved or the Parking Office is not contacted by the owner or registrant and advised of other arrangements for removing the vehicle within 10 days after notification. Once the parking permit has been revoked, the vehicle will be subject to monetary penalties and may be deemed “abandoned.”
  7. Any vehicle deemed to be “abandoned” will be issued a parking citation. An abandoned vehicle is defined as any motor vehicle parked for more than three days that (1) is inoperable, (2) does not display current, valid state registration plates, or (3) does not possess a current, valid University parking permit. The Parking Office will notify the registrant through campus mail (to registrant’s campus address) and first-class mail (to the registrant’s home address) of the parking citation and the possibility of towing. The vehicle will be towed as an illegally parked vehicle if the car is not moved or the Parking Office is not contacted by the owner or registrant and advised of other arrangements for removing the vehicle within 10 days after notification.
  8. Specific parking violations for which monetary penalties are imposed by the University and the penalty for each such violation are listed below:
    Parking Violation Fine
    Sale, purchase, or distribution of a parking permit by unauthorized persons $50
    Abandoned vehicle $302
    No stopping or standing/parking/cruising $102
    Obstructing or impeding free flow of traffic $250
    Obstructing or impeding movement of pedestrians $77
    Fire Lane/Fire Hydrant $77
    Handicapped $502
    Parking permit violation $52
    EV Vehicle Violation (stopping, standing or parking a vehicle not plugged into charging equipment) $100
    Tow-away zone $52
    Backing in where there is a "head-in parking only sign" $52
    All other stopping or parking violations such as reserved space or area and hindering access to adjacent space or otherwise posted fine amount. $27/$52
  9. In addition to the monetary penalties listed in the preceding section, UMB will authorize towing and impoundment of vehicles in the following circumstances:
    • Vehicles having three or more unsatisfied citations. Vehicles will not be released until all fines and charges are paid.
    • Parking in a fire lane or blocking a fire hydrant.
    • Parking in a "no stopping" or "no standing" zone or in a reserved space or area.
    • Parking in any zone designated for parking or transit of emergency vehicles.
    • Parking in such a way that the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic in the campus area is obstructed or impeded.
    • Abandonment of vehicles (see parts 6 and 7 of this section).
  10. UMB will give no prior notices of towing, except in the case of abandoned vehicles.
  11. As a condition of receiving parking privileges on UMB campus, the registrant and the vehicle owner agree that UMB will not be held responsible for any damage to any vehicle as a result of its being towed by UMB. Any associated towing, storage, or impounding fees must be paid by the registrant or owner of the vehicle in order to recover the car. If the towing was done in connection with issuance of a parking citation that is later reversed, any towing, storage, or impounding fees will be refunded to the registrant or parker upon presentation of satisfactory proof to the Parking Office that such fees have been paid.
  12. Even if there are no signs, parking is prohibited on grass plots, tree plots, construction areas, or where parking will mar the landscaping of the campus, create a safety hazard, interfere with the use of UMB facilities, or hinder the free movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Any area of UMB campus that has been closed by the use of barricades or other traffic control devices is not available for parking.
  13. To avoid parking violations, all registered parkers should use only garages and lots to which they are assigned, except after 4 p.m. Monday to Friday and weekends up to 9 a.m. on Monday. Parking is prohibited in areas within the garages that are not specifically designated as parking spaces by striping on the surface, signs, or other devices. Daily rates start at 2:55 a.m. for re-entry.

Section IV - Retrieving Data from the Garages

  1. The Office of Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) maintains certain data regarding parking access card usage, through a computer system known as the Parking Access Revenue Control System (PARCS).
  2.  All requests for data regarding parking access card usage from PARCS must be made in writing to the director of PTS. The request must be specific and for a limited number of dates. A minimum of 72 hours will be needed for data retrieval. Because of computer issues and/or data requested, more time may be needed.
  3. Unless required by law (e.g., for law enforcement purposes or pursuant to subpoena), data only will be provided to the person who pays for use of the parking access card. If a department or entity is paying for a person’s parking (FPI, UMMC, etc.), the request must be made by the head of the department.
  4. There will be a $10 administrative fee for data with respect to each date, each card requested. This fee must be paid in advance before release of data (this fee will not apply to data provided to the UMB Police Department or other law enforcement agencies).
  5. The card usage report (in/out status) only provides dates and times that the parking access card was swiped at the entrance and exit device. It does not indicate whether the parker assigned to the access card was the person who used the card.
  6. As with all technology, PARCS is not 100 percent reliable. Data may be missing or out of order at times. PTS does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the data or information. All data is provided “as is,” and all representations or warranties are hereby disclaimed.
  7. “Pursuant to Maryland law, Parking and Transportation Services (P.T.S.) is required to deny inspection of captured plate data from its automatic license plate reader system, except to a law enforcement agency for a legitimate law enforcement purpose.”


Bike Removal Policy

The department of Parking & Transportation Services or  Public Safety may remove any securing mechanism using whatever reasonable means are necessary to remove any bicycle which is:

  • Bicycle permit sticker not displayed or affixed.
  • Bicycle not properly parked in rack area.
  • In such a condition that is considered abandoned (rust or prolonged dust appearance, missing or dismantled parts, flat tires, etc).

If bicycles are removed for any of the above reasons, bicycles will be placed in storage for 120 days.   If bicycles are not claimed after 120 days of removal, the unclaimed bicycles will be donated to a non-profit organization.