Letters from the Chief 2020-2021

UPDATE: Recent Property Damage in the BioPark

Dear UMB Community:

I am pleased to report to you that we've arrested the people we think are responsible for the property damage at the University of Maryland BioPark that I reported to you Tuesday. If you'll recall, several vehicles were damaged by what appeared to be BB or pellet guns.

Hopefully, we won't have anymore incidents like these, but I want to remind everyone that it's always a good idea to take precautions to keep yourself and your property safe. Make sure to lock your vehicle and park in a secure, well-lit area. Remove all valuables from your vehicle and keep them out of sight. Request a Safe Walk by calling 410-706-6882 (6-6882 on campus); this service is available 24/7 on the UMB campus, including in the BioPark. We also provide three discounted rides per month in our service area through Lyft Ride Smart at UMB

And as always: If you see something, say something. Call UMB Police at 410-706-6882. In an emergency, always call 911. Together, we can ensure a safer UMB.


Thomas Leone
UMB Interim Chief of Police

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