Academic Affairs Policies


UMB Policy on Heroin and Opioid Addiction and Prevention

Academic Affairs   |   Approved October 1, 2018

Responsible VP/AVP

Patty Alvarez, PhD, MS

Policy Statement

I. Purpose

This policy is intended to affirm the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s (UMB’s) commitment to maintain a safe and healthy substance free workplace for all employees, students and visitors, and to increase awareness regarding heroin and opioid addiction and prevention. This policy also addresses the proper training and administration of naloxone or other overdose-reversing medications by designated personnel.

II. Policy Statement

In 2017, a state of emergency was declared for the state of Maryland pertaining to the need to control and eliminate the heroin, opioid, and fentanyl overdose crisis.  As a leader in public health, UMB recognizes this nationwide crisis and is committed to comprehensive programming and response strategies to address heroin and opioid addiction. This policy has been adopted in accordance with Sections §11-1201 through §11-1204 of the Education Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland as part of the Start Talking Maryland Act and in alignment with other key UMB and USM policies.

  1. Student Training and Resources
    1. UMB requires all incoming full-time students to participate in heroin and opioid addiction prevention and awareness training.  Training will be coordinated on a yearly basis through the Office of Academic Affairs.
    2. Additional resources and programming are provided to the student body, including part-time students, which consists of online resources and campus programming that will alert and educate students on heroin and opioid addiction and prevention. 
    3. The Student Counseling Center and Student Health Center are additional resources that offer confidential counseling and health services for students.
  2. Staff Training and Resources
    1. Designated Personnel
      1. The UMB Police Department are the designated personnel for the administration of Naloxone or other overdose-reversing medications.  Mandatory training for designated personnel is completed on a rolling basis.  This training includes recognizing the symptoms of an opioid overdose, procedures for the administration of over-dose reducing medication, and the proper follow-up emergency procedures following an incident related to an opioid overdose.
    2. Health Professionals, Volunteers, and Students
      1. While health professionals, volunteers, and students are not UMB Designated Personnel subject to the reporting requirements of this policy nothing herein should be interpreted as restricting licensed health care providers or individuals who are properly trained from responding to emergency situations.
  3. Administration of Naloxone or other overdose-reversing medications
    1. UMB maintains an easily accessible supply of overdose-reversing medication that can be accessed through the UMB Police Department to be used in the case of emergencies.  All supervisors and sworn officers of the UMB Police Department are issued a Naloxone/Narcan kit after appropriate training.
    2. The UMB Police Department maintains a written directive including emergency procedures for the proper use and administration of naloxone or other overdose-reversing medication to effectively treat and reduce the fatalities associated with opioid drug overdoses. All sworn officers who are equipped with this medication participate in a mandatory training.
    3. Training for the administration of overdose-reversing medication is mandatory for designated personnel who are issued a Naloxone/Narcan kit but is also available as part of additional resources and programming offered at UMB to health professionals, volunteers, and students.

 III. Definitions

Designated personnel – For the purposes of this policy, the UMB Police Department are deemed designated personnel.

Campus – For the purpose of this policy and reporting, Campus refers to the contiguous campus within the boundary of the UMB Clery Reporting Campus Boundary Map comprised of buildings or properties that are (1) owned or controlled by UMB, and (2) reasonably contiguous to one another, and (3) the other reasonably contiguous buildings or property within the boundary that directly support or relate to UMB’s educational purpose.

IV. Reporting Requirements

Reporting will be completed annually to the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) on or before October 1 of each year.  All incidents requiring the use of naloxone or other overdose-reversing medication by designated personnel occurring on Campus will be reported.

V. Key Related Policies and/or Procedures





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