Administration Policies


UMB Policy on Preferred Name

Administration   |   Approved May 12, 2021

Responsible VP/AVP

Patty Alvarez, PhD, MS

Revision History

Approved May 12, 2021.


In support of its commitment to providing an inclusive environment, the University has established this Policy to allow members of the University community to indicate their chosen or preferred name even if they have not changed their legal name.

Policy Statement

The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB, or “University”) recognizes that many of its students, faculty and staff may use names other than their legal names to identify themselves. UMB will make good faith efforts to allow, where feasible, any student, faculty member or staff member to identify themselves within the University community with a preferred first and/or middle name that differs from their legal name. An individual may not choose a preferred last name; last name changes can only be changed through a legal name change. The person’s preferred name will appear instead of the person’s legal name in most University systems and documents. However, in certain instances, the University must use an individual’s legal name, such as on transcripts, financial aid documents, payroll, or when a legal name is otherwise required by law, regulation, policy, or procedure.

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