Councils and Boards Policies


UMB Representation to the UM System Student Council

Councils and Boards   |   Approved February 1, 1994

Responsible VP/AVP

Patty Alvarez, PhD, MS

Policy Statement

The process outlined below is conducted by the University Student Government Association (USGA) at the UMB in selecting a representative to the UM System Student Council.

  1. USGA Advisor informs the USGA President and General Senate of the selection process and associated deadlines.

DEADLINE: 2nd meeting in February

2. USGA President asks if any Senator is interested in running for the position. Additionally, the President also announces that an ad, explaining the position will be placed in the student newspaper and the VOICE (campus newspaper).
DEADLINE: 1st meeting in March

3. All application forms will be returned to the USGA


DEADLINE: 4th week of March

4. All application forms will be screened by the USGA


DEADLINE: 2nd week of April

5. USGA President calls most qualified candidate(s) in for a

personal interview(s) and makes selections.

DEADLINE: 4th week of April

6. USGA President notifies the General Senate of who was

selected and obtains their approval.

DEADLINE: 1st meeting in May

7. Inform all applicants of who was selected. Announce

selections to campus.

DEADLINE: 2nd meeting in May

8. Forward names of UMS Representative and Proxy to Central


Approved by General Senate

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