Faculty Policies


UMB Policy Concerning Professional Licensure of Faculty and Staff

Faculty   |   Approved January 19, 1996

Responsible VP/AVP

Jenny Owens, ScD, MS

Revision History

Approved by the President, January 19, 1996

Policy Statement

  1. Appropriate licensure under Maryland law and regulations is required by UMB personnel holding any positions with responsibilities involving patient or client services for which licensure is required under State law. The Dean of each professional school, or an appointing authority or administrator designated by the Dean, is responsible to determine which positions in the faculty and staff require licensure and to carry out this policy.
  2. Volunteer personnel in positions requiring licensure shall be advised of this requirement in their appointment letters and shall be required to notify the concerned School or unit immediately upon the nonrenewal, suspension, or termination of a required license.
  3. For salaried personnel in positions requiring licensure, a verification procedures shall be established to assure that appointees have and maintain required licenses. At the option of a School, this procedure may be followed with respect to volunteers in positions requiring licensure.
  4. Licensure requirements should be made known to candidates and appointees to faculty posts and other positions in the UMB employment system. Appointees shall be advised that licensure, including timely renewal of expiring licenses, is a condition of employment.
  5. Any faculty or staff member failing to maintain a required license due to nonrenewal will be suspended from patient or client activities. Failure to hold and maintain a required license is grounds for termination of employment. To the extent permitted by University policies, compensation will be suspended or reduced if a faculty appointee or staff member is unable to perform employment responsibilities as a result of lack of appropriate licensure or conditions placed upon a license by a licensing body.
  6. This policy shall take effect immediately.
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