Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Procedures

Motor Vehicle Claim

Research, Environmental Health and Safety   |   Approved June 2, 2020


File claim for motor vehicle accident.


Employees and their supervisors to complete within 48 hours of any motor vehicle accident involving University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) property or operators.  The driver of the university vehicle will need to respond at the scene and then complete appropriate forms. Supervisor will approve forms or assume responsibility for processing the forms if the employee is unable to complete their duties. 

All vehicle accidents must be reported regardless of the amount of damage involved.  For more information please review the website.


  1. Whenever possible, local or State Police must be called for an investigation and report of the accident.  Ideally this should take place at the scene and time of the accident.
    1. If you need assistance finding phone numbers see Police Department Contact Information PDF.
  2. If other vehicles are involved share UMB contact information PDF with other parties and exchange the following information with operators of other vehicles involved:
    1. Insurance carrier’s name, policy number, dates of coverage and agent’s address and phone number;
    2. Driver’s full name, license number, address, date of birth and phone number;
    3. Owner’s full name, address and phone number.
    4. Vehicle’s year, make, model, serial number and license plate number;
    5. Name, address and phone number of each witness; and
    6. Name, address, phone number and type of injury of all injured individuals.
    7. If other vehicles are involved and the employee is not able to communicate with them directly, the following Accident Courtesy Notice PDF can be delivered at the scene of the incident.
  3. After the accident review the Vehicle Claim Procedure and complete fully the Automobile Claim Packet.
    1. Reports submitted involving other than the State-Owned vehicles used on State business should be clearly marked “Non-Owned Vehicle”.
    2. Reports of incidents or accidents are to be submitted even if the other party or individual(s) involved in the accident dictated they were not injured and no damages were done.
  4. If the University driver is unable to complete and file these forms, it is the responsibility of his/her supervisor to report the accident to Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Risk Management on the driver’s behalf.
  5. All forms are to be reviewed by the supervisor for accuracy.
  6. Submit completed Automobile Claim Packet to EHS Risk Management within 48 hours of the accident or the next business day. Forms can be submitted by fax at 410- 706-8212 or scanned and sent by email to EHSRiskManagement@umaryland.edu. (Scanned submissions are preferred.)
  7. For additional information, please email EHSRiskManagement@umaryland.edu.