Student Affairs Policies


UMB Immunization Policy

Student Affairs   |   Approved April 22, 2003

Responsible VP/AVP

Patty Alvarez, PhD, MS

Revision History

Approved by the President, September 5, 2000; Revised April 22, 2003

Policy Statement

I. Policy Statement

The University of Maryland Baltimore strives to be a model health promoting campus and to support the health of its students and the people in the community with whom they come in contact. All students, both full- and part-time, who wish to qualify for enrollment at the University must satisfy the University's immunization requirements. All costs of student compliance with the immunization requirements will be the responsibility of the student.

II. Immunization Requirements

A. A Report of Medical History form which includes an immunization history shall be mailed to all new students and must be completed and returned to Student Health prior to the student’s initial registration.

B. All incoming students are required to provide to the satisfaction of Student Health:

  • Proof of immunization for measles, mumps, and rubella (students born before 1957 are considered immune to measles);
  • Certification of varicella (chicken pox) immunity by a) history of disease; b) proof of vaccination or c) by way of a positive titer.
  • Evidence of immunization against tetanus/diphtheria within the past 10 years, and
  • The results of tuberculosis screening performed within 12 months of the date of the student’s enrollment. Screening must show a negative PPD test or, if the PPD is positive, a negative chest X-ray report.

C. All students who live in on-campus student housing must receive a vaccination for meningococcal disease or sign a waiver stating that the student has received and reviewed information provided by the University about meningococcal disease and has chosen not to be vaccinated.

D. Students who wish to enroll in advanced dental education programs or the dental (DDS), dental hygiene, medical and research technology (B.S. and M.S.), medicine (MD), and undergraduate nursing programs must be immunized against Hepatitis B. This requirement will not be waived. Students enrolled in other programs are strongly encouraged to consider such immunization.

E. Students may be required to comply with additional immunization requirements specified by a particular School or program. Students should check with their School and program to determine which requirements may not be waived, and the possible curricular implications of waiving other immunization requirements.

F. To participate in clinical training at non-university sites students must comply with the health and immunization requirements of the training sites.

G. Students not in compliance with the requirements of this Policy will not be able to register for their second semester.

III. Waivers

Immunizations required by law or mandated by a UMB School or program will not be waived. For example, the requirement for immunization against Hepatitis B cannot be waived by students in advanced dental education programs or in the dental (DDS), dental hygiene, medical and research technology, medicine (MD), and undergraduate nursing programs.

A. In other cases, a student may receive a waiver on health grounds if he or she presents a written statement from a licensed physician or a local deputy state health officer indicating that immunization against any or all of the diseases for which immunization is required, is medically contraindicated, detrimental to, or not in the best interest of the student. The physician’s statement shall state whether the contraindication is permanent or temporary and, if temporary, provide assurance that the student will receive immunization (s). The student subsequently must and furnish evidence of completion of immunization at the first reasonable opportunity. In the absence of such evidence, the student will not be allowed to register.

B. An student who objects to immunization upon the grounds that immunization conflicts with his or her bona fide religious beliefs and practices may request a religious waiver. A waiver on religious grounds may be obtained by submitting a written request to Student Health. This waiver will not apply in case of an emergency or epidemic of disease which is declared by the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene or the Secretary’s designee. Students requesting religious waivers should refer to this policy and contact their School or program for possible curricular implications.

IV. Review and Revision of Policy

UMB Immunization Policy and immunization requirements are based on Maryland law and public health recommendations of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. The policy and the requirements will be reviewed periodically and revised as necessary.

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