Student Affairs Policies


UMB Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedure

Student Affairs   |   Approved January 23, 2010

Responsible VP/AVP

Patty Alvarez, PhD, MS

Revision History

Approved by the President, September 23, 2010

Revised February 23, 2023

Policy Statement

  1. Scope

    This Policy and Procedure is established pursuant to federal law (20 U.S.C. § 1092 (j)) which requires any institution that participates in a Title IV federal student financial aid program, and that maintains on-campus housing facilities, to establish a Missing Student Notification Policy. This Policy applies specifically to students (“Students” or “a Student”) who reside in UMB on-campus housing facilities (“UMB Housing”).

  2. Policy

    A Student may be reported missing at any time. The UMB Police Department (“UMBPD”) receives missing person reports and determines, for UMB, if a Student is deemed missing under this Policy.

    UMB will allow each Student to designate an emergency contact. UMB will notify the emergency contact within 24 hours after a Student is determined to be missing.

    UMB will notify the parent or guardian of a Student under the age of 18 within 24 hours after a Student is determined to be missing.

    UMB will notify appropriate law enforcement agencies and campus officials within 24 hours after a Student is determined to be missing.

  3. Procedure

    Reporting a Missing Student

    Any person may make a missing student report. The report should be made immediately and directly to:

    UMB Police Department 
    Pine Street Police Station
    214 N. Pine Street
    Baltimore, MD 21201 
    410-706-6882 (x6-6882)

    UMBPD is responsible for investigating each report and determining if a Student should be determined as missing for purposes of this Policy.

    Investigation of a Missing Student Report

    1. UMBPD: 

      1. Receives the missing Student Report (“Report”) in accordance with UMBPD procedures.
      2. Notifies the Associate Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (“AVP”) that a Report has been made and an investigation initiated. 
      3. Initiates an appropriate investigation to determine the validity of the Report.
      4. Makes a determination as to the status of the Student reported missing.
      5. Reports promptly to the AVP in the event the Student is determined to be missing so the AVP may comply with the rule that a Student’s emergency contact (and parent, if applicable) be notified within 24 hours of the determination.
      6. Reports timely to the AVP in the event the Student is not determined to be missing at the time of the initial investigation.
      7. Initiates follow-up steps, as required, in consultation with the AVP. 

    2. The General Manager for University Housing 

      1. Solicits from each Student an emergency contact at the time a Student makes application or enters into a housing agreement for UMB Housing; also, if a Student is under 18, collects parental contact information from the Student.
      2. Maintains as confidential information the emergency contact information (and any required parent or guardian contact information) for each Student.
      3. Provides a procedure to allow a Student to update contact information maintained in the office of the General Manager for University Housing.
      4. Establishes a procedure to ensure that a Student’s contact information can be promptly accessed by the AVP so the AVP may comply with the rule that the emergency contact (and parent or guardian contact, if applicable) must be notified within 24 hours of a determination that a Student is missing.

    3. The Associate Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (“AVP”): 

      1. Has primary responsibility for the oversight and implementation of this Policy and Procedure.
      2. Obtains a missing Student’s emergency contact information from the General Manger for University Housing and notifies the Student’s emergency contact upon notice from UMBPD that the Student is determined to be missing.
      3. Ensures the parent or guardian of a Student under the age of 18 is notified within 24 hours in the event UMBPD has determined the minor Student is missing.
      4. Initiates follow-up steps, as required, in consultation with UMBPD.
      5. Coordinates with the Student’s school or academic program and arranges notice to the Student’s instructors as appropriate and in the best interest of the missing Student and UMB.
      6. Initiates whatever additional action the AVP deems appropriate under the circumstances and in the best interest of a Student and UMB.

  4. Additional Action Steps
  1. Privacy of Student Housing Office RecordsUMB Housing Office student records are educational records. The information in the records will be used and released by UMB only for legitimate purposes as permitted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and other applicable law and policy.
  2. Questions and Comments about this Policy and Procedure

Questions and comments regarding this policy should be directed to:

Dr. Patty Alvarez
Associate Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
UMB Office of the Provost
621 W. Lombard Street, 3rd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410.706.5433


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