Jason Johnson, PhD

Jason Johnson, PhD, is a political contributor for MSNBC, host at SiriusXM radio, politics editor for TheRoot.com, and professor of politics and journalism at Morgan State University. His topics range from politics to pop culture.Jason Johnson, PhD, is a political contributor for MSNBC, host at SiriusXM radio, politics editor for TheRoot.com, and professor of politics and journalism at Morgan State University. His topics range from politics to pop culture..

Johnson, who is the author of the book Political Consultants and Campaigns: One Day to Sell, has been active in politics around the world, making him an engaging guest or panelist in many venues, and has worked for Republicans and Democrats in the United States. Internationally, he worked on the London mayoral election, advised the Independent Electoral Commission in South Africa, served as an election observer in the last three contested elections in Mexico, and delivered several invited talks on American politics to the Australian Embassy in the United States. During the 2012 and 2016 election cycles, Johnson did lectures throughout Europe on the topic of internet strategy in U.S. presidential campaigns.

Before joining MSNBC, Johnson covered many events in the field, including the 2016 presidential nominating conventions and debates, the riots in Ferguson, Mo., and the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for local affiliates and national outlets such as CNN, Fox Business, Fusion, TV One, and Al Jazeera.

Johnson has spoken to or moderated for groups large and small, from intimate guest lectures at Northwestern University in Illinois, Spelman College in Atlanta, and the U.S. consulate in Germany to larger entities such as the National Press Club, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the Twitter townhall at the Democratic National Convention. He regularly wins over audiences on all sides of the political spectrum with his ability to use wit, hard facts, pop culture, and history to make persuasive arguments about what is happening in the world and why.

Johnson is a graduate of the University of Virginia and received his PhD from the University of North Carolina.