Project Accomplishments to Date

Quantum HCM Project 2024 Year in Review

Participation and Collaboration is the Theme of Another Successful Year for QHCM Project. 

The Quantum HCM (QHCM) project successfully wrapped up another year! In 2024, substantial efforts from dedicated QHCM project team members and over 250 stakeholders from across UMB raised awareness about the new HR and Payroll system and the benefits it will bring to UMB employees. The high level of stakeholder involvement and collaboration helped to define over 130 business processes, leading to innumerable design and configuration decisions. QHCM project team members, subject matter experts, and change champions participated in over 100 stakeholder meetings, demos, and focus groups. The two town halls and the user fair attracted about 1,200 attendees. Resource materials shared and feedback captured at these events were added to the QHCM website, including 65 FAQs collected and answered, which will continue to help others as the project progresses. The excitement and satisfaction with parts of the system that were highlighted so far is evident in over 150 unique pieces of feedback received that mentioned, among other things, enthusiasm about the “opportunity to create a great system to improve working at UMB” and “streamlined HR processes.” The willingness of the community to partner with the project team set a strong foundation during 2024. The QHCM project team looks forward to collaborating on even more exciting and engaging community activities as we move toward go-live in 2025!​ 

2024: It's a wrap!

The Quantum HCM Project

95 Project Team Members, 133+ Business Processes, 252 Change Champions and SMEs, 10 Meetings, 2 Campus Town Halls, ~800 Attendees, 1 User Fair, 400 Attendees, 20+ Campus Demos, 150+ Departments Engaged

Nov. 2024 QHCM Project User Fair

152 Unique Pieces of Feedback Received, 65 FAQs Collected and Answered
Monthly Stakeholder Engagements85 total engagements distributed across January through November

Quotes from Campus

Each booth [at the User Fair] was customized to [my] needs!

I am more and more excited about the new system after each meeting!

Very excited about how streamlined HR processes will be from [hire to retire]!

We have an opportunity to make a great system to improve working at UMB – and that is exciting!

[Analytical reporting] will be great  for quick data access across the  school, which we don't have now!