
Applying for Graduation

Students must submit a graduation application through SURFS by the stated deadline for the term they are planning to graduate.

Graduation Term Submission begin date Submission deadline date
Spring 2025 October 28, 2024 February 21, 2025
Summer 2025 March 31, 2025 June 20, 2025
Fall 2025 July 1, 2025 September 19, 2025
Spring 2026 October 27, 2025 February 20, 2026

Students who submitted a graduation application but are later removed from the applicant/candidate list by their school/program are required to submit a new graduation application for the next term in which they are eligible.


Go to the University of Maryland Graduation Celebration  webpage for more information.

Schools/Programs may hold graduation ceremonies for their graduates.  For more information, contact the Student Affairs or Records and Registration Office in your School/Program.

Degrees and Diplomas

Degree Posting and Diploma/Certificate Mailing Schedule

Degree Posting on Transcripts: Approximately 2 weeks after the end of the semester or when your School/Program certifies you to graduate.

Receiving Diplomas:

  • Spring (May) Graduates
    • Diplomas:  Student who are awarded a degree can expect to receive their diploma mailed to the address provided on the graduation application in 4-6 weeks.
    • Certificates: Students who are awarded a certificate can expect to receive their certificate mailed to the address provided on the graduation application by mid-July.
  • Summer (July) Graduates
    • Diplomas/Certificates will be mailed to the address provided on the graduation application by mid-September.
  • Fall (December) Graduates
    • Diplomas/Certificates will be mailed to the address provided on the graduation application by EARLY FEBRUARY.

Certified Electronic Diploma (CeDiploma)

Effective Summer 2020, in addition to the printed diploma, UMB graduates are eligible to receive a digital copy of their diploma. 

Access Your Digital Diploma or Certificate

You will receive an email with a link to download your credential when it is available from our trusted partner, CeCredential Trust®.

To request a new download link, please use the CeCredential Trust site to resend the link.

Be sure to register for your free account directly on the CeCredential Trust® website in order to have lifetime access to your CeDiploma.

Learn more here: CeCredential Overview page.

If you have any questions, please email with your name and student ID. We wish you the very best in all your future endeavors.

For security, the CeDiploma is designed to retain its digital character at all times. You may print the validation results if required. Please direct any questions or concerns to the Office of the Registrar at

Students with an outstanding financial obligation will not receive their diplomas/certificates.  For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar at

Visa Letter

Please contact your School/Program Records and Registration Office to obtain graduation invitation letters.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I change my anticipated graduation date? 

Students can supply their expected graduation date by sending an email to using your @umaryland email address. 

What happens if I miss the graduation application window? 

Contact your school registration department for next steps!

I applied for graduation in a past semester and did not graduate. How do I apply for a different semester? 

If you have applied for graduation in the past and did not graduate, you will not be able to complete a new graduation application. You will need to contact your school/program for assistance, a manually application will be completed on your behalf. 

How do I change my first name and or middle name for my diploma/certificate? 

30-days before graduation the Office of the Registrar will send an email asking for you to verify information for graduation. A link will be provided for the preferred name diploma request form to complete. If you complete the form requesting to update your preferred first and or preferred middle name, it will be changed for your diploma/certificate only. Otherwise, the name on your SURFS account will be the name displayed on your diploma.  

If you do not receive an email from ( contact your school.

How do I change my last name for my diploma? 

Complete the Request to Change Personal Information form and provide the supporting documentation to be processed.

In 2 - 4 business days your name will be changed in SURFS. After that we will also confirm the name for my diploma/certificate within 30-days of graduation via email (from 

To ensure the change of personal information appears on the diploma this change needs to occur 30-days prior to graduation, after you will be required to pay additional fees to receive a new copy.

How do I confirm the address that my diploma/certificate will be sent to? 

30-days prior to graduation the Office of the Registrar will send an email asking for you to confirm your address! Contacting the Office of the Registrar is the only way to update your diploma/certificate mailing address.

If you do not receive an email from ( contact your school. We are unable to mail your diploma and or certificate to an international address, please provide a United States postal address for delivery, email with the USA address.

What if I receive a diploma/certificate with the incorrect spelling and/or incorrect name? 

Contact the Office of the Registrar at with a picture of the diploma/certificate you received and provide the correct spelling/ name that you were expecting. You may be requested to mail the diploma/certificate to the Office of the Registrar prior to receiving the corrected one.  If the spelling or preferred name was initiated by you, you would need to request a new one, in which you will incur additional fees for ordering a new diploma/certificate.

How can I confirm that the correct degree, and major appear on my diploma? 

The Office of the Registrar will send an email 30-days prior to graduation to have you confirm your degree and major. The diploma will list degree and major only.  The certificate will list the program and concentration only.  If you do not receive an email from ( contact your school. If you receive a degree or certificate with incorrect program, major and/or concentration please contact

How do I order my cap and gown? 

Contact your school and they will provide you with next steps!

Do I have to order a cap and gown if I already have one from a previous university? 

Check with your program, most programs require a cap and gown to attend the graduation ceremony!

Where do I pick up my cap and gown? 

All caps and gowns are picked up at the bookstore located in the Campus Center Building at 621 W Lombard Street, phone number is 410-328-7788.

How can I request a degree verification? 

Students may request a degree verification online via Forms and Services - Office of the Registrar (  Your degree verification will reflect degree and or certificate as conferred, and date.

How can I request a transcript? 

Students may request a transcript online via Forms and Services - Office of the Registrar ( 2-3 weeks after graduation. Your transcript will reflect your degree and or certificate as conferred.

How do I access my digital diploma (CeDiploma)? 

You will receive an email 3-4 weeks after graduation with a link from CeCredential Trust to download your diploma.

If you have any additional questions, please call the Office of the Registrar at 410-706-7480 or email us at

Updated: 11/1/2023 12:51:30 PM