Petition for Change in Classification for Tuition Purposes

The Petition for Change in Classification for Tuition Purposes is intended for use by:

  • Students who seek a change in residency classification; or
  • Those whose status cannot be determined from the information submitted on the initial Application for In-State Classification as part of the admissions process.

If, after reading the VIII‐2.70—Policy on student classification for admission and tuition purposes, you feel that you have met the University's criteria, you should submit a Petition for Change in Classification for Tuition Purposes (form available at bottom of this page) and all supporting documentation to the Office of the Registrar in accordance with the dates indicated below.

Petition Submission Deadlines

Term Submission Begin Date* Deadline to Submit Petition
Summer 2025 April 14, 2025 June 2, 2025
Fall 2025 June 2, 2025 August 29, 2025
Winter 2026 November 10, 2025 January 2, 2026

*Please note that any petition and accompanying documentation will be returned to a student unprocessed if it is received prior to the applicable “Submission Begin Date” listed above.

Instructions for completing the Petition for Change in Classification for Tuition Purposes:

Submit the completed Petition for Residency Reclassification and all supporting documentation (listed in the application) to the following address (faxes and emails are not accepted):

University of Maryland Baltimore Office of the Registrar: Residency Reclassification Services
601 W. Lombard St.
Suite 240
Baltimore, MD 21201

Email: for any questions

If you chose to mail your documents be sure to obtain delivery confirmation. Petitions must be postmarked on or prior to the deadline for the term you are submitting a petition.  Petitions received after the posted submission date will be returned. 

The review of the petition and an initial determination of the status may take as long as six (6) weeks, not including subsequent appeals.

Use this checklist as a guide to help you prepare for your petition.

Tips on Completing the Applications

  • Complete all applicable fields of the checklist.
    Failure to complete all applicable sections of the petition and submit all required documentation may result in a denial of in-state status.
  • Dates should be entered using the MM-DD-YYYY format unless otherwise specified.
  • Students filing a petition are required to submit certified copies of Maryland tax returns (if applicable). Instruction on how to receive copies of Maryland tax returns.
  • Please be certain to include all supplemental documentation that is required.

NOTE: Please do not use binders or accordion folders. Please do not staple, paper clip, binder clip, label, tab or use sticky notes on your documents. Remove all Social Security Numbers, Employee Identification Numbers, and bank account numbers.  

We request that all students keep a copy of the information submitted for a Petition for a Change in Classification. If you need a copy of your submitted information, please provide a signed release form to the Residency Reclassification Team to obtain it.

All inquiries regarding petitions should be directed to the Office of the Registrar by calling 410-706-7480 or sending an email to

Helpful Links

Helpful Links:

  • Comptroller of Maryland: Request certified copies of Maryland tax returns. Click on LOCATIONS to find your nearest location.
    • At Comptroller of Maryland branch offices, the following services are provided with no scheduled appointment:
      • Provides blank Maryland state tax forms and/or tax booklets.
      • Answers general tax questions.
      • Accepts completed Maryland tax returns and/or requested documents.
      • Provides additional IFTA decals to carriers in good standing and new carriers whose applications have been approved.
      • Provides certified copies of previously filed Maryland tax returns for individuals with identification.