Award Receipt and Setup

When an award document is received, the award is reviewed and accepted for UMB. An award document may be as brief as a letter from the sponsor or it may be a complex multipage agreement.

Some awards are “accepted” when we start spending the funds. Other awards are “accepted” when the UMB-authorized official signs the document. The appropriate official in the Office of Research and Development will review, negotiate terms when required, and sign as the institutional authorized official to accept the award.

Review and Negotiation

Department/PI responsibilities:

  • If an original award document is sent by the sponsor to the PI, ensure that SPA receives the original. Please send it to the appropriate team address.
  • Request a Temporary Project when appropriate.
  • Coordinate with SPA or CCT to ensure the sponsor receives any information necessary to finalize the award, such as IRB approval documentation.
  • Provide SPA or CCT with an updated budget when appropriate.
  • Promptly review proposed Quantum Financials information when provided; contact SPAC with any questions or concerns. Ensure that the details are correct, such as the budget period, project period, dollars awarded, or protocol number.
  • Ensure that over-salary-cap and/or cost-sharing is set up when required.