Subaward Request FAQs

To increase compliance with Federal Guidelines, Subrecipient Monitoring, and the Single Audit related to risk assessment of subrecipient organizations and their projects, SPA has updated the process for requesting and finalizing outgoing Subawards. These FAQs address Subaward Request form completion and workflow.

Kuali Build and the Subaward Request

The Subaward Request is submitted through Kuali Build. Like other "forms" systems, only the creator can view or edit their forms.  SPA Subaward staff can view submitted forms (but not drafts). Unlike most other "forms" systems, Kuali Build includes a robust workflow that allows us to capture PI approval (for audit purposes) and generate notifications. We have enabled the integration of some Kuali Research data into this form for data accuracy.

The form number is in the column labeled "Title" on the list of Submitted and Draft forms.

Email notifications from Kuali Build are from Kuali Notifications (

The Organizations dropdown list isn’t showing up…OR...the organization I need isn't in the dropdown list

The subaward must appear as an Approved Subaward in the Kuali Research Award record that you entered, or it will not appear on this dropdown list. Make sure you are using the Award ID for the current budget year, and not the -00001 record.

For new subawards listed in the submitted KR proposal: Contact and provide the KR Award ID that you entered (the award that will fund this subaward) and the organization(s) that are missing.

For new subawards not listed in the submitted KR proposal: Contact and provide (1) the KR Award ID that will fund the subaward, (2) the organization(s) that you wish to add, and (3) written sponsor approval of the subaward when required, or documentation that sponsor approval of the new subaward is not required. 

What is my Award ID?

Use the Kuali Research Award look-up (Common Tasks > Search Awards) to find the relevant Award number (Award ID) for the grant or agreement that will fund this subaward. The Award ID is in the format 123456-00011.

Use the record for the CURRENT year of the award. Do not use the -00001 Award record.

What is my Subaward ID?

Use Kuali Research (Common Tasks > Search Subawards) to find the Subaward ID that you plan to modify.  The Subaward ID is a 5- or 6-digit number. 

In the Subaward Look-up, use data you know to search for the existing Subaward: 

  • Account ID = Quantum Award or PID - enter the Quantum Award number (7 digits) with an asterisk (example:  7654321*)
  • Subrecipient = the Organization ID – use the magnifying glass to search
  • Requisitioner User Name = UMB PI – use the magnifying glass to search (enter 02 as the Campus Code to search only for UMB employees in this look-up)
  • Select Document Status = Both

The Subaward ID is in the third column of the search results.

Note the last (far right) column of the search results, "Document Status" and make sure it is "Final". If the Subaward Document Status is "SAVED" and not "FINAL," it cannot be used in Kuali Build. Contact your SPA Subaward team or for assistance.

How to find active Subawards associated with a particular award

How do I see my draft (or submitted) form?

Log into Kuali Build. Click on My Documents, and select Submitted or Drafts. 

  • Bookmark this link:
  • You may start a form, save it, and continue later.  These are your Drafts.
  • You may duplicate a Submitted form - go to the Actions column and select Duplicate and Edit, or view the form and select Duplicate and Edit.
  • You may check the status of a Submitted form – click on the link in the Form column to view the form, then in the left column of the form, toggle from Review to Status.

I have a subrecipient form pending PI approval. I asked the PI if they received an email notification, but they cannot find anything. What should I do now?

Email to request that the notification be re-sent. However, for quicker action, email your PI with this information:

Log into Kuali Build:   (You can bookmark this page)
Click on Action List.  (The “Action List” should have a number next to it, showing how many forms are ready for approval.) Click anywhere on the line to open, review and approve.

What does SPA need to troubleshoot my form? Whom should I contact?

For questions about the Organizations dropdown list or other questions about the functionality of the form, contact For questions about how to complete specific form fields, please email the SPA Subawards Team. We cannot see your DRAFT forms. We can see your Submitted forms. The Form Number is included in emails sent to the Submitter. Please reference that number when you have it.

What is the status of my Submitted form?

Once your form has been submitted you can check to see where it is in the workflow. 

Log into Kuali Build. Click on My Documents, and select Submitted

If the Status column says "Complete", the form has been approved. Submitters receive an email with a copy of the approved form. At this point, the Kuali Research record for this subaward has been created or updated, and the SPA Sub Team will send the subaward to the subrecipient. The SPA Sub Team will notify the submitter when the document has been emailed to the subrecipient.

If the Status column says "In Progress", then the form is still in the workflow.

  1. Click on the line to view the form.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the 3 vertical dots and select Workflow Status.
  3. Then click the View button and select Expand All to see workflow details.

The submitter has a Submitter Acknowledgment/Approval action. Approval at this step starts the 15-business-day turnaround time in SPA's business process for subaward review. Wait until after the 15 business days have elapsed before you email the SPA Subawards Team

How do I print a copy of my form?

After the form is approved by SPA you will receive a PDF copy of the form. If you need one before then, you can print your Draft or Submitted form. Log into Kuali Build. Click on My Documents, and select Submitted or Drafts. Select the link in the left column to view the form, then use your browser settings to print.

What information can I give our subrecipient about the UEI (federal Unique Entity Identifier)?

To obtain a Unique Entity ID (UEI), go to and click on the “Get Started” link under the heading “Register Your Entity or Get a Unique Entity ID". Subrecipients can obtain a UEI only (no entity registration required). The information required for getting a UEI without registration is minimal. It only validates the organization's legal business name and address.

Subrecipients that have been assigned a UEI can look up their UEI in

When is the Subrecipient Commitment Form needed?

The Subrecipient Commitment Form must be provided with the Subaward Request for NEW subawards. The current completed Subrecipient Commitment Form, signed by the Subrecipient's authorized official, is required, otherwise, SPA is prohibited from sending the subaward to the subrecipient until that form is received and fully completed. Exceptions may be made but only on a case-by-case basis, AND NO exceptions will be made when UMB’s prime award is a federal sponsor. The Scope of Work (SOW) and the budget are also required at the time the subaward request is submitted. Statement of Work template

During the proposal development stage before SPA submits a proposal containing a subaward, the following documents must be uploaded to KR Proposal Development:

  1. Scope of Work
  2. Budget
  3. Letter of Support from Authorized Representative at Sub Organization - Subrecipient Letter of Support Sample
  4. A copy of their Federally Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement, if applicable.

Do we need a Purchase Order for the execution of the subaward?

Request the purchase order after you receive the fully executed subaward. Submit the requisition in Quantum for a new PO# or a change order when funds are being added and attach the fully signed subaward document to the PO requisition. Email SPA with your PO# and reference the Subaward Request Form number and/or the Kuali Research Subaward ID.

What documents and steps are needed for SPA to complete the Subaward?

For new subawards:  Scope of Work; Budget; copy of their Federally Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement, if applicable (if not provided with the proposal); completed and signed Subaward Commitment Form; PI approval of the Subaward; Sponsor Approval, when required.

How do I know if I am working with a Subrecipient or a Vendor?

Review the guidelines for determining whether the entity is considered a vendor (contractor) or a subrecipient.

How long does it take from submitting the Subaward request until execution?

SPA's standard turnaround time for initial drafts to be sent to the organization is 15 business days from receipt of the request. Depending on the workload of our staff, and the complexity of the award, this timeline may sometimes be longer than 15 business days.

How do I know who is working on my request?

When your request is assigned for review, you will receive an email from Kuali Notifications and/or from a SPA Sub Team member.

Is there anything I can do to help expedite the process of executing the Subaward?

Ensure that ALL requested information on each form is complete.