SPA Contact Us

Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) handles sponsored grants and contracts, outgoing subawards, unfunded agreements, and other pre-award functions. This page will help you contact the right team.

Use the team email addresses for your questions about a proposal, agreement, or action. Or, if you received communication from SPA that your action has been assigned to a SPA reviewer, then get in touch with that individual directly. Review the information below which includes team emails and helpful links.

SPA Staff

Kuali Research technical issues:  Contact and identify the Proposal number or document number when reporting a technical issue.

SPA Virtual Office Hours

During these times, the SPA management team and senior administrators will be available to answer your questions about Kuali Build, Kuali Research, general questions regarding sponsor guidelines, and much more.  For status updates, please contact the person working on your proposal or agreement - SPA Office Hours are not for status updates, but for more general questions.

Mondays, 10:00 - 11:30 am 

Wednesdays, 2:00 - 3:30 pm

Agreements and contracts (funded or to-be-funded) 

Award set-up, post-award, and reporting 

Federal Post-award Issues 

Outgoing Subawards 

Proposal preparation and submission, just-in-time, and pre-award 

Unfunded agreements (DUAs, CDAs and others) 

If you have a more general question or one that just doesn't fit any of the above categories, you may send your question to

SPA Business Practices - communications