Blanket IP Waiver Clarification Feb 2025

Memo sent to RAC 2/27/2025

Hello RAC,

The purpose of this email is to provide clarification to the UMB community about the use of the Blanket Intellectual Property (IP) waiver (announced in the UM Baltimore Blanket IP Waiver memo dated January 12, 2024) and to provide updated information about the corresponding Kuali Research (KR) investigator/key personnel certification.  

Clarification summary: 

  • The Blanket IP Waiver is no longer required for UMB to adhere to the federal government’s Public Access Policy/requirement implemented by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) 2013 Memorandum Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Research, which was updated on August 25, 2022.
  • The Blanket IP Waiver applies to certain domestic non-federal sponsors, such as nonprofit organizations or foundations, that have open access, open source, and/or open science written policies.  It also applies if a federal sponsor incorporates an open access or open source requirement in addition to the Public Access Policy as part of award terms and conditions. 

Effective 2/27/25, KR will be updated to remove the current question about the Blanket IP waiver. Instead, it will include the following statement with which investigators must agree.

New PI/Key Personnel Certification:

I agree to follow the University's Intellectual Property (IP) policies in reference to data and IP developed under sponsored projects; and will take necessary actions based on sponsor and project requirements.  I agree to follow processes for IP Waivers (blanket or individual), which may be necessary to accept any resulting award, and to ensure that all individuals working on this project are informed of these requirements.

The PI will continue to be responsible for educating students, post-docs, subrecipients, and others working under their awards or under their supervision about the IP terms of each award, including any open access/source requirements; contacting Technology Transfer-UM Ventures (OTT) with questions about appropriate open access/source license(s) to use; and for forwarding any release or data sharing agreement that needs a UMB signatory to the appropriate office (SPA, CCT, or OTT).

More information can be found in the attached document [Intellectual Property Information and FAQs 022725] and SPA’s webpage on the Intellectual Property Policy Waiver Process.

Please share this information with your PIs and colleagues.

Thank you,


Jill A. Frankenfield
Associate Vice President, Sponsored Programs Administration