Important Information about the July 5th NIH Deadline

Memo sent to RAC 5/24/2024

Please share widely with PIs and administrators within your School.

Dear Colleagues,

SPA would like to bring your attention to an important matter. As you probably know, Friday, July 5th is the standard NIH deadline date for R01 and U01 renewals, resubmissions, and revisions. 

Due to the July 4th holiday and the administrative leave granted by President Jarrell on July 5th, proposals for the July 5th deadline must be submitted to NIH by SPA no later than COB on July 3, 2024. If other sponsors have July 5th deadlines, then these proposals also must be submitted by SPA to the sponsor no later than COB on July 3rd.

This means that proposals must be routed to SPA in FINAL form by June 26th, 2024. If a proposal is routed to SPA in final form after the 26th every reasonable effort will be taken by SPA staff to review, resolve issues, and submit the proposal before COB on July 3, 2024.  

Final form of a proposal means that the proposal has been completely routed to SPA in Kuali Research with a complete, final budget and other sponsor-required details and that all narrative documents have been uploaded in final format AND marked as "FINAL" in the Kuali Research Attachments section.

The SOM internal deadline for routing final budgets and administrative materials to the Office of Research Affairs remains June 25th. Please consult your School for any internal deadlines set by the School that may be applicable to you.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation in these matters.

Questions should be directed to my attention.

Thank you,


Jill A. Frankenfield
Associate Vice President, Sponsored Programs Administration