Third Party Billing

Student Responsibility | Third-Party Responsibility | 529 Plans and External Scholarship Awards | VA Benefits

Third Party Billing is when a private or government agency is paying any portion of a student’s tuition or fees and request a bill directly from UMB.  Third parties pay UMB on behalf of the student with an agreement, commitment and/or obligation between the paying party and the student.  UMB will not send a bill to the third party sponsor until our office has received the necessary paperwork from the student and the sponsor.

Some government agencies use special forms like SF-182s. Private organizations might use a purchase order, financial guarantee, or an authorized letter on their letterhead to explain what they will pay for. All contracts or letters should include the following information to be processed:

  • Student's name
  • Student ID Number (beginning with “@00”)
  • Specific charges and semesters the third party will pay
  • Billing address
  • Name, signature, and contact information of person authorizing the contract
  • Purchase order and contact information of person authorizing the contract
  • Purchase order number (for government contracts)

All students who have a third party sponsor must fill out the Third Party Sponsor Form every semester that the sponsor will be paying for them.

To make sure your third party sponsor is billed on time, please submit your authorization documents by these dates:

  • Summer Semester: May 30th
  • Fall Semester: August 30th
  • Spring Semester: January 30th

For questions regarding Third Party Billing, please contact our team at or 410-706-1337.

Student Responsibility

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Complete the Third Party Sponsor Form each semester to authorize the billing of your third party sponsor.
  2. Submit by published deadlines below to avoid any delays in billing your third party sponsor.
  3. After you submit the webform, you will get a confirmation email saying that UMB received is processing your authorization. You will receive email notifications along the way to keep you informed of your third party billing status.

Submit your billing authorization documents by these dates:

  • Summer Semester: May 30th
  • Fall Semester: August 30th
  • Spring Semester: January 30th

Any expenses not covered by the third party or other financial aid are the student's responsibility. These should be paid in full by the bill due date on your TouchNet eBill.

UMB does not manage employer reimbursement benefits for students. If you are using employer reimbursement, you must pay your tuition and fees by the bill due date and handle the reimbursement process with your employer. Payments not received by the due date may be assessed a late fee of 5% of the balance, up to $200.00.



Third-Party Responsibility

Third parties are expected to pay UMB within 45 days of receipt of invoice. Please check the invoice for payment instructions.

Kindly include the Student ID (beginning with “@00”) and invoice number when submitting payment via ACH or check. 

For additional information or assistance, please contact or 410-706-1337.

529 Plans & External Scholarship Awards

External scholarships, grants, and pre-paid college savings plans (529) are not considered third parties. Different processes are used for these types of payments.

Payments should be mailed to the following address:

University of Maryland Baltimore
Student Financial Services
601 W. Lombard Street
Suite 206
Baltimore, MD 21201

Along with payment, these checks should include the Student ID number (beginning with “@00”) and an award letter if applicable.

Students receiving additional awards not included in their financial aid package must tell University Student Financial Assistance. These awards can include 529 plans, state scholarships, private scholarships, tuition waivers, and assistantships.

VA Benefits

UMB accepts the VA Post 9/11 GI Bill, VA VR&E, and VA HPSP benefits.  For information on the certification process, please contact your program’s School Certifying Official (SCO)