
The UMB Foundation accepts monies via check, money order, credit card, EFT/ACH, wire transfer, and publicly traded stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Receipt of foreign currency via bank transfer or check is acceptable. Please be aware that funds from a check written on a foreign bank in either US dollars or foreign currency may not be immediately available for use.

Check Acceptance Policy

Contributions intended for the University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation Inc. (UMBF) should be promptly and properly deposited, recorded, reconciled, kept under adequate security, and comply with the terms of any related restrictions.

UMBF must be careful not to accept any funds that are not meant for the Foundation. Checks presented for deposit into a UMBF account must be made payable to the Foundation in one of the following ways:

  • Payee is University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc., UMB Foundation or UMBF.
  • Payee is a named fund within the Foundation.
  • Check is made payable incorrectly, but the donor has returned a response vehicle (form, card, letter, envelope) with a statement that “Funds for the University of Maryland School of ____ are administered by UMBF” (or some variation).

If none of the above conditions apply, deposit authorization letter template DOC should be mailed or emailed to the donor. 

To the extent possible, the person who signed the check should sign the authorization letter; however, in cases where the signatory is not available to sign the authorization letter, it can be signed by a spouse or in the case of an organization a person of authority (their title should be included).

Online Transactions

The Foundation can process online gifts made using a credit card or digital wallet.

Online gifts may be made to the UMB Foundation using the online giving site.


To make a gift via wire transfer or ACH payment, please share this ACH and Wire form PDF with the donor.

Notification must be given to Philanthropy Operations prior to the transfer to ensure that the gift is properly identified and credited to the correct donor and account. PNC will notify us of electronic transfers as they are received.

Transferring Securities

To make a gift of stock, please share this stock transfer form PDF with the donor or their broker.

When a donor wishes to contribute marketable securities, the Office of Gift Administration must be contacted to ensure that correct transfer procedures are followed, correct account numbers are used, and the process is completed in a timely manner.

Transferring shares of mutual funds is more complicated and time consuming than transferring publicly traded securities and can take several weeks to complete.

In all cases, advance notice of a pending security transfer must be sent to to avoid confusion.

Gift Administration will notify the appropriate development officer when the transfer and sale of the securities have been completed and will generate the necessary tax receipt for IRS purposes.

Securities Held by a Broker

  • Electronic stock transfer from the donor’s account to the UMBF investment account is accomplished via the Depository Trust Company (DTC). This is the most direct method of stock delivery. The donor or their broker should inform the Office of Gift Administration to advise of the gift intent (the UMB account to be credited) and to discuss specific DTC instructions.
  • If a security is received through electronic transfer and is identified for the University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc. (UMBF), Northern Trust will accept the security upon receipt. If the transfer is not properly identified, the security will NOT be accepted and will be returned to the transferring party.
  • The security will be valued as of the date received based on the mean value of the high and low stock price for that date. Note that stocks received after 6:00 p.m. will be valued the following business day.

Securities Held by the Donor

  • If the donor is in physical possession of a stock certificate, contact Carolyn Bayle, Director, Philanthropy Operations ( before taking further action.