Jessica Moreno

Jessica MorenoJessica L. Moreno
Senior Staffing Specialist
Human Resource Services

Originally from El Paso, Texas, Jessica Moreno earned a bachelor’s degree in English and American Literature at the University of Texas at El Paso before moving to northern Massachusetts. After working for a staffing agency for two years, Moreno moved to Maryland and joined the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) community in 2012. In her 10 years with UMB, she has worked with the School of Social Work and multiple units within the School of Medicine, providing recruitment, applicant, and salary management. She also has worked with the President’s Student Leadership Institute, providing interviewing skills training, and the Community Engagement Center, offering mock interviews to members of the West Baltimore community. In her spare time, Moreno spends time with her husband and two children and helps coach her son’s baseball team.