Better Together-NEW!

Better Together Social Wellness Programs

Better Together is an initiative created to encourage students to strengthen their social and emotional well-being. 

Social well-being involves creating and maintaining healthy relationships and establishing supportive social networks. This area of our lives is crucial because we are social beings, and a sense of belonging, inclusion, and connection, is unarguably vital. The lack of those things can lead to several issues in the long term, including both mental and physiological diseases.

In a highly stressful academic environment, social wellness can further refer to our ability to budget time for leisure and recreation with other people. Social connections can also serve as a source of encouragement and reinforcement for practicing healthy behaviors, creating even more positive impacts.

Nourish and Connect Dinner Series 

Coffee Connect  

Coffee with a Colleague (for staff and faculty) 

Out and About Together 

Gym Buddies 

Group Fitness 

Intramural Sports