Holistic Health

Programs and Initiatives for Holisitc Health

Holistic Wellness is a multi-faceted approach to life that considers the whole person and the connection of body, mind, and spirit. The physical, spiritual, social, emotional, cultural, intellectual, financial, and environmental dimensions of wellness are emphasized as interdependent. Holistic health is an ongoing process. No matter what your current state of health, you can make small everyday choices to improve your level of well-being.

Annual UMB Wellness Fair

The Annual UMB Wellness Fair will take place during wellness week on Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in the SMC Campus Center on the first floor. The wellness fair is an event to help strengthen the culture of well-being at UMB comprised of more than fifty vendors, student leaders, campus partners, and community organizations who come together to share a wealth of resources designed to help attendees prioritize their physical, mental, and emotional wellness. 

If you are interested in registering as a vendor for the 2025 Wellness Fair, please complete this form.

Asynchronous Wellness Challenges 
Please join URecFit and Wellness for a health and wellness challenge. Sign up with us and receive weekly tips and encouragement, connect with other participants asynchronously, and join an in-person opening/closing event. Prizes will also be raffled off throughout each challenge.

2025 Asynchronous Health Challenges

Self-care and Sleep Challenge Start the semester off right with quality self-care and sleep!  This 4-week asynchronous program from Monday, February 3 – Friday, February 28, will explore ways to incorporate healthy self-care and sleep habits into your routine. Sign-up for weekly tips and challenges, delivered to your inbox.  For those interested in competing for a raffle prize, gift cards will be awarded to the participants* most consistent with tracking their self-care and sleep habits, at the conclusion of the program.  *Note: Only student participants are eligible to be awarded gift card raffle prizes.  Sign-up Monday, January 27 – Sunday, February 2 here.

Past Challenges:

“Move More, Feel Your Best” Asynchronous Challenge is an initiative that aims to encourage participants to sit less throughout the day. With long study hours, online meetings, and work responsibilities, we often find ourselves sitting down for big portions of the day. The challenge will take place October 7-November 1, 2024.

Research shows that doing so consistently can be detrimental to our overall health and well-being. Therefore, as a participant in this challenge, you will receive weekly assignments that will help you sit less and get up more often. In addition, you will receive an education piece each week with important data, statistics, and research findings, that will help support you in this journey.

As you participate in the challenge, we will keep track of your progress. At the end of the 4 weeks, the participants that stay on track the most will receive a prize. The person in 1st place will receive a gym equipment kit, including resistance bands, jump rope, roller wheel, and push-up grips. Participants in 2nd and 3rd place will receive a walking/running belt, where you can place your phone, keys, etc. 

'Interlude' Digital Wellness Challenge, November 4-30. Please join us for this month-long challenge to develop digital literacy and consider the impact of technology on your overall health and well-being. We will encourage you to take sustainable habits that support your values and set healthy boundaries around your use of technology and screentime. 

Summer Hydration Challenge Please join us for an asynchronous hydration challenge this summer from July 15 through August 25.  Let’s hydrate! Each week, participants will receive a fun fact and corresponding tip, about the importance of hydration, delivered to their inbox. Should participants wish to compete for the grand prize, participants must submit proof of tracking their daily hydration, using a tracker of their choosing, by the weekly deadline of Sundays at 11:59 pm. Grand Prize: Stanley Quencher H2.0 Tumbler.

Healthy Sleep Challenge Join us throughout the month of February for a healthy sleep challenge. Sign up and you will receive a weekly sleep tip and challenge to complete. Participate in activities such as using a sleep tracker, sleep diary, practicing sleep hygiene, and be entered into a raffle to receive a UMB fleece blanket. Participants will also receive a sleep mask, earplugs, carrying case, lavendar sachet, and journal when you register. Take the month of February to prioritize your sleep and establish an improved healthy habit. 

Spring in Your Step Walking Challenge Spring in your Step is a 6-week asynchronous walking challenge that will take place to help you move more and achieve your fitness goals. The challenge will take place March 4-April 8. Every Monday, we will send you a new challenge that you must complete that week. You will see that even small changes in your lifestyle and habits can contribute to making you more active, and less sedentary. Walking is an integral part of our daily lives, and as such, can be used as a tool to achieve and maintain fitness. 

Outdoor Wellness Challenge Spring has sprung, and the Office of Sustainability and URecFit and Wellness invite you to join us for an Outdoor Wellness Challenge from Monday, April 15 to Friday, May 10. Research shows that spending time in nature can impact our health and well-being in many ways. During the challenge, we will share tips about mindfully engaging your senses outdoors, improved circadian rhythms, sun protection, and more. We will also provide a weekly challenge for you to integrate into your time outdoors.