USGA Senate

School Senators

The USGA Senate is made up of representatives from each of the schools, selected individual programs, and affliated student groups. Senators are selected from the following programs and schools: Genetic Counseling, Graduate Studies, Nursing - Graduate, Nursing - Undergraduate, Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Law, Medicine, Medical and Research Technology, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, and Social Work.

USGA Senators are listed under their school or program's respective section. Each Senator is elected by their school to serve a term of one year on the USGA Senate.

A group of smiling students in front of a white background.



USGA School Senators

USGA Affiliated Student Group Senators

Senate Meetings

All students are welcome to attend our monthly USGA Senate meetings. The USGA encourages students to become involved with the issues or with USGA event planning. Senate meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. on Zoom.

To check all the Senate meeting dates, please see the Events calendar.

All Senate meetings are recorded and posted at USGA Senate Meeting Recordings.