• Writing Resource Highlight

    Writing in graduate school isn't just about being productive. Check our resources for writing smarter, not harder, at UMB. 

  • Thesis and dissertation support

    Spread the word! Writing Center consultants work with masters and doctoral writers to critically engage ... 

    • Academic discourses, genres, and research methods
    • Research and revision for thesis and dissertation projects 
    • Expectations for graduate writing and mentorship
  • Faculty support

    The Writing Center collaborates with faculty. Schedule an appointment with Associate Director James Wright to discuss critical approaches to ... 

    • Writing assessment practices (e.g., rubrics, feedback, mentorship, etc.) 
    • Writing assignment creation and revision 
    • Practices for teaching writing 
  • Faculty Workshop

    Join us for a virtual writing assessment workshop for UMB faculty on March 26, 2026. Check our Faculty Development site for additional details and directions to register. 

consultant and client meeting in person smiling

Our Mission

Your choices as a writer matter in our Center.


A computer with a coffee cup

What's a WAG?

The online Writing Accountability Group meets weekly!



pencil on a calendar

Writing Consultations

Schedule a one-with-one appointment with a consultant.


person smiling and waving at computer during video meeting

Meet Our Staff

Peer Writing Consultants are grad students at UMB and UMBC.

Writing Resources

Check out our growing lists of online writing resources.

Student Employment

Interested in working with us? Learn more here.