
Mileage Rate for Use of Personal Vehicle

Effective Jan. 1, 2025 - 70.0 Cents Per Mile

Effective Jan. 1, 2024 - 67.0 Cents Per Mile 

An employee's daily commute miles from home to the employee’s regular work location are not reimbursable.

  • Commute miles must be subtracted from the total miles claimed, except when the trip begins and ends at the employee’s regular worksite.
  • Commute miles do not have to be subtracted for the portion of the trip that occurs on a non-duty day.

 The mileage rate for moving and relocation expenses is 20 cents per mile.

Travel Per Diem Rates for Meals

Use the GSA website to determine the per diem rates for appropriate reimbursement of your travel expenses.  Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the GSA Per Diem webpage: https://www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rates.
  2. Utilize the Current Year rates (default).
  3. Enter the location based on lodging or work activities.  Ensure the same method is used to determine the rate for the entire trip.
  4. Click “Find Rates”.
  5. Use the meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) rates.

Note: Please submit the printed results from the GSA website with the NBTC form for non-employee travel reimbursements.

Please read UMB Policy VIII-11.00(A) Business Travel for UMB Employees and Nonemployees and Financial Procedures on Business Travel

Business Meal Limits (requires receipt)


Maximum Amount/per individual
(includes tax and tip)

Business Meal Time Period Served Amount 
(Effective 10/1/21)
Breakfast 5 a.m. - 9 a.m. $27
Lunch 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. $30
Dinner 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. $54
Snacks and refreshments 9 a.m.-11 a.m., 2 p.m.-4 p.m, 8 p.m-10 p.m. $27

Purchase/reimbursement must be in compliance with Policy No. UMB VIII-99.00(A) and is subject to the terms in the Financial Services Standard Operating Procedure No. 3332 Food and Business Meals Expense.

Fringe Benefit Rates

Visit the Fringe Benefit page for a listing of rates.

Indirect Cost Rates

Visit the Facilities and Administrative Cost Rates page for a listing of rates.