Academic Affairs Policies


UMB Policy on Technology Fluency

Academic Affairs   |   Approved April 30, 2002

Responsible VP/AVP

Jenny Owens, ScD, MS

Revision History


Policy Statement

As an academic health, human services, and law campus, UMB must ensure that its graduates have the requisite skills to use state-of-the-art information technology and to adapt to developing technology in settings ranging from the research laboratory to practice settings. To prepare students to use technology in their professions, educational programs will incorporate technology within the context of student learning and professional practice.

Each School will ensure that its graduates possess the skills needed to:

  • Acquire, assess, and demonstrate mastery of existing knowledge and information (e.g., searching of online literature databases and electronic journals; ability to take computer-based practice examinations);
  • Generate and disseminate new knowledge and information (e.g., analysis using spreadsheet and statistical packages, use of presentation software);
  • Communicate electronically (e.g., use of email, word processing packages);
  • Provide professional care (e.g., recording of patient information, skill in manipulating 2-D and 3-D images, skill in using clinical simulation and robotic systems);
  • Conduct research (e.g., implementation of effective search strategies; creation of databases);
  • Understand ethical issues relating to the use of information, information technology, and networks.

Each School shall develop a statement of the information technology competencies required by its profession and/or disciplines and a description of the way in which it ensures that its graduates possess the required competencies. These statements shall be filed with the Provost.




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