As a recipient of sponsored research funding, UMB is required to ensure compliance with applicable grant and contract terms, federal and state regulations and University policies and procedures.


Contact SPAC

Office Hours- Summer Schedule-6/17/2024 to 9/16/2024

SPAC office hours will be adapting a Summer Schedule:

  • Effective Date of Change: June 17, 2024
  • New Schedule: Every Wednesday, starting 6/19/2024, from 1pm to 2pm
  • Previous Schedule: Every Monday from 9am-10am and every Wednesday from 1pm-2pm
  • Duration: This new schedule is expected to be in place for the next three months, until September 16, 2024


Please note that with this new schedule, there will be no Office Hours on Monday 6/17/2024. 

SPAC Virtual Office Hours

During these times, the SPAC leadership team will be available to answer any questions you may have. Please note that the SPAC Office Hours are not for status updates, but for more general questions. For status updates, please contact the SPAC Manager of the department handling the matter.

Mondays:  9.00am - 10.00 am

Wednesdays: 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Employees of the Quarter

Danijela Macakanja Photo

Manager of the Quarter

   Danijela Macakanja

   Since starting with SPAC 5 years ago, Danijela has accomplished much in her career with us first as an Accountant I all the way to Manager of Teams Federal Billing and VMS-Federal Billing. When asked what she was most proud of, she said, “How far I have come from where I first started and how much knowledge I gained thus far.”
   She also thinks SPAC, “having a diverse staff brings many different perspectives when collaborating…” A little about Danijela is she loves to go hiking, traveling, reading, cooking, and hanging out with family and friends. She is currently reading Atomic Habits, by James Clear, and she may or may not be listening to Hip Hop or R&B while she does.
   Danijela says she embraces our core values of Respect and Integrity. “I believe that being respectful, kind, empathetic, and honest are important traits in one’s personal and professional life as they foster trusting and lasting relationships,” she says.
   When asked if she could choose a superpower she said, “teleporting, so I can vacation wherever I want.” It goes well with an item she mentioned on her bucket list, “going on a hot air balloon ride in another country.” And we wish her the best at seeing this come to fruition.

Tyler Williams-Page Portrait

Employee of the Quarter

Tyler Williams-Page   

   Beginning with SPAC as an Accountant I two years ago, Tyler is currently Financial Analyst with our Set-up Team, which he says he is most proud of so far. What should be noted is that he was also working on getting a degree in cyber security while this was going on.
   When he’s (hopefully) not working, Tyler can be found playing and/or watching sports (basketball, football, baseball during the playoffs), taking hikes, playing video games and spending time with friends and family. When asked what he thought made our team culture so unique he said, “The thing that makes our team culture so unique to me is that everybody seems to genuinely care. From the work we do, to even caring on a personal level, it has a genuine family feel and its why I truly enjoy working here.”
   What you might not know about him is that he has a talent for drawing, “(specifically sneakers).” Also, Tyler is currently binge-watching Top Boy on Netflix, and likes to listen to Rap and R&B. He embraces Respect and Integrity, “I believe having/showing respect to others and always maintaining integrity is something that should be valued in all aspects of someone’s life.”
   When he was asked about any superpowers he would like if he could have one, he said flying saying it, “would be able to save on gas and flights.” Something surely all of us would like to be able to do. He also mentioned that this June (2024) would be his first time traveling somewhere outside the country, something that is also on his bucket list!


Our Mission:  Sponsored Projects Accounting and Compliance (SPAC) supports the University’s mission through our teams’ dedicated commitment to serving as a knowledgeable resource to our stakeholders in all aspects of post-award financial administration.

Our Vision: To aid in the growth of research at UMB through professionalism, collaboration, and accurate accounting and reporting.



Assistant Vice President
Office of Sponsored Projects Accounting and Compliance (SPAC)

My Mission: To create a departmental culture that facilitates the professional growth of a dynamic team that provides competent Post Award customer service to the campus community and everyone we interact with.

Areas of Administration

Costing and Compliance section

Administration section

SPAC section